June 23 — Garden Conservancy Open Garden Days, Mendocino County: Three private gardens along the Mendocino Coast will be open to visitors, including the personal gardens of Deborah Whigham and Gary Ratway of Digging Dog Nursery in Albion and two near the village of Mendocino. Tickets are $7 per garden and can be purchased at each garden the day of the event. Visitors can stop by one or all three gardens. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For information and address of open gardens visit gardenconservancy.org.
June 30 — Mendocino Coast Garden Tour, Mendocino County: Six exceptional gardens are highlighted on this annual self-guided tour sponsored by the Mendocino Art Center. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cost is $40, with an optional lunch at Ravens Restaurant available for an additional $20. 707-937-5818 and 800-653-3328, ext. 10. mendocinoartcenter.org.